Double Wall Piping Ventilation System


The double wall pipe ventilation system is widely used on ships fueled with LNG to reduce the risk of gas leakage.

During normal use, the fan provides ventilation for the outer pipes of the double arm pipes.

When a gas leak occurs, the system can quickly detect the risk and shut down the gas supply system, switching the main engine to fuel mode, and diluting and draining the leaked gas with ventilation.

The double wall pipe ventilation system mainly consists of double wall pipes, driving fans, air brakes, nitrogen supply valves, flow switches, flow sensors, control boxes, etc.

Our company can provide calculation of air duct resistance, control logic design, submission design, etc.

Our company is the first to establish a complete system in China.

Our dual arm ventilation system can be used in the MAN (high pressure) and Wartsila host gas supply systems.

Can provide certificates from major classification societies such as DNV, ABS, BV, CCS, etc


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